Seasonal dredging essential for maritime industry

Dredging is critical for maintaining Cuyahoga River and harbor shipping, and therefore crucial for our regional economy. The Spring dredge cycle is currently being handled by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) contractors, DMYLES Inc. and Ryba Marine Construction Co. They have wrapped up the hydraulic placement of approximately 50,000 cubic yards of material from the federal navigation channel into the Port’s Sediment Processing & Management Facility (SPMF) to the northeast of Burke Lakefront Airport. This material is being dewatered and will be sampled and excavated for beneficial use. The remaining 150,000 cubic yards of material to be dredged this spring will be placed into the Port’s silt basin at the SPMF for permanent storage. An additional 20,000 cubic yards of material from Cleveland-Cliffs’ docks was also placed onsite under a separate contract.
Beneficial uses of sediment include use in construction aggregate, general purpose backfill, brownfield reclamation, and blended topsoil and landscape applications. A major future use will be to create CHEERS, short for the Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy, a collaborative effort with multiple partners to create more than 100 acres of parkland north and east of the East 55th Street Marina.